Things your next level self doesn’t care about…
💃 Your current reality, it’s not where you’re staying.
💃 Your bank balance, because she lives in abundance.
💃 The fight you had with your partner, it either will or will not matter in 5 years, or 5 minutes.
💃 If she doesn’t have all of the answers, because she knows they don’t all come in one go and more are coming.
Why doesn’t she care?
✨Because she’s too focused on what she’s creating RIGHT NOW.
✨ Because she knows the difference between what is clearing out from her life and what is coming in.
✨ Because she’s too busy embracing and appreciating this very NOW moment.
Because she lives from her TRUTH and that takes away a whole lot of worry and trivial things.
Your next level SEES things for what they are and wisely CHOOSES her focus.
Occasionally she looks back with compassion to all of her previous selfs, but mostly she’s looking at exactly where SHE is going.
Be you, be limitless,
Vicky ❤️